+(593) 93449393

| Town/City Data

Population: 7,114

Altitude: 1,470 m (4,900 ft)

Average high: 25º C (77º F)

Distance to Loja: 35 km (22 mi) – 35 minutes

Distance to the airport: 71 km (44 mi) – 1h20m

Annual average rainfall: 733 mm (29 in)

Coordinates:  4º 13’ 9” S 79º 15’ 30’’ W

Airport: Camilo Ponce Enriquez airport is located in Catamayo 38 km from Loja (45 minutes)

Town/City information:

Although located just 35 minutes from Loja, the first thing you will notice upon your descent into Malacatos Valley is the change in temperature.  Green, lush landscapes and an average daily high of 77° F (25° C) make it the preferred second home and vacation destination of Loja.


Not widely inhabited by foreigners, Malacatos combines the feel of a more typical Ecuadorian pueblo with all the amenities of a destination town.  The local economy consists of family scale agriculture and tourist related businesses such as restaurants, lodging, and entertainment.

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Abundant Living Real Estate offers a wide range of options, a constantly updated list of properties and market trends so you can make the right decision. 

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Vilcabamba: Diego Vaca de Vega 812



+593 98 074 8925

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